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This is a photo of my best friend in Spain, I speak with her nearly everyday if it is possible and she has taught me so much over the past year. We met whilst I was on holiday in Tenerife, she kindly took us under her wing and guided us around the bars in Santa Cruz. She is such an inspiration to me and it is because of her that I truly feel motivated to keep on learning Spanish. How amazing are her trousers too?!!
Esta es una fotode mi mejor amigoen España, hablo con ellacasi todos los díassi es posibley me haenseñado muchoen el último año. Nos conocimosmientras yoestaba de vacaciones enTenerife, queamablemente nostomó bajo su proteccióny nos guiópor los baresde Santa Cruz.Ella esuna inspiración para míyes porella querealmentese sienten motivados aseguir aprendiendoespañol.¡Qué sorprendenteson suspantalones tambien?!
It is going to be my 18th party real soon and I have planned to host a Lady Gaga themed party. It is going to absolutely fantastic and everyone is coming in fancy dress. I have been asked many times by my guy friends about costume ideas for the party so I thought I might as well do a blog post to give them some inspiration. Here are some very Lady Gaga inspired looks......
I have come up with the idea of sharing with you an image a day which I find to be really inspiring. It is a good way of showing you what is going on in my mind and keeping you updated with my thoughts. Here is today's photo...I love the combination of colours and the effortlessly stylish feel that these photos emanate. I found it on the blog 5 inch and Up....
I know this collection has been around for a long time now and I have admired it for ages, drooling over the amazing, fun, flirty clothes that just emanate the excitement of being alive. Whilst I was babysitting last night, I watched my most favourite film in the world...Marie Antoinette and fell in love all over again with the sheer decadence of it. The beautiful dresses, the colours, the food, the cute dogs and the amazing party scenes. I was just browsing the internet for some Marie Antoinette themed photo shoots and found this collection which I discovered ages ago. It is so beautiful and girly and also really fits in with everyday life.
For all of those 80's/90's kids out there who remember when Nirvana were the must listen to band, I thought I would share this song with you. Yuna is a truly amazing singer that I came across on youtube when searching for new music. Not only is her voice ethereal and haunting but her sense of style is amazing. Based in Los Angeles and Kuala Lumpur, she describes herself as Malaysian made musician and everything else. She is definitely one to watch for the future as her Nirvana cover of Come As You Are is set to rock our ipods this summer, showing us the grown up, calm, girly side to grunge that has never been unleashed before.
I was just browsing through the internet doing my general lazy Sunday afternoon blog hopping, when I came across this designer who makes these amazing hair hats in the form of animals. She creates them using hair weaves that have been sculpted into shape with the aid of a mould or wire mesh. Sadly Noda passed away in 2008 but her creations still remain strong, inspiring people all across the globe. Here are some of her designs.
Have you ever wondered what really goes on behind the scenes during fashion week? Do you think that there must be more to it than a seemingly exclusive event where only a few fashionistas get to sit in the front row resulting in a few outfits being featured in a glossy magazine? You can now discover the secret world of fashion week at London's Fashion and Textile Museum this November when they will put the whole process from catwalk to cover under the close scrutiny of the microscope.
The exhibition will feature a series of photographs taken by top catwalk photographers over the years and with the coverage of these photographs, no areas will be access denied. The photographs allow the viewer exclusive backstage access displaying all the different elements that make up a catwalk show-Backstage, Front Row, Catwalk and Street Style. This allows the viewer an insight into a world full of chaos and beauty which makes up the apparently glamorous fashion shows that bloggers and magazine editors alike fawn over to get the best story for their website or magazine. The shows featured include Chanel, Karl Lagerfeld, Vivienne Westwood, Alexander McQueen and Marc Jacobs. This is a must do for any fashionista out there.